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Displaying -19 - 0 of 44 Results
Manufacturer Part Number
Metz Connect SR99S01VBNN00G7
Metz Connect ASM02V0108-0G16
Metz Connect AST0250304
Metz Connect SM99S01VBNN00G7
Metz Connect MMT471A315-0002
Metz Connect 31182108
Metz Connect 31107102
Metz Connect AST0720306
Metz Connect MMT471A315-0001
Metz Connect 360410
Metz Connect AST2150302
Metz Connect SR21302VBNC
Metz Connect FM20C06VBNN
Metz Connect 31330102
Metz Connect 31182104
Metz Connect 31349102
Metz Connect 31169104
Metz Connect PR20204HBNN
Metz Connect 31183103
Metz Connect 31169103

Metz Connect 31169104

Schraubklemme steckbar, RIA169, RM3,5 mm, 4 Pol.

No Symbol Available


No Footprint Available

3D Model

No 3D Model Available

Symbol Views

(not all views will be available for every part)

Normal: Standard and most popular representation of schematic symbol

ALT_1 (IEEE view): Symbol representation in a way that is more graphical in explaining what the purpose of each pin is. For connectors and most discretes (as we use these views) it is simply an alternate view for people to use depending on the situation. For instance connectors can be generally an input, an output or neither. Resistors can be vertical or horizontal.

ALT_2 (demorgan): Demorgan is a name for an equivalent Gate structure. so for instance an AND gate and an OR gate can be represented by its Demorgan equivalent of a NOR gate.

Sometimes a device is fractured into multiple symbols (often for high pin count parts). If that is the case, you can preview the different symbols that make up the device by selecting them in this drop down.

Footprint Views

(not all views will be available for every part)

Basic: Our standard footprint view showing, contact area, pin number, top, top assembly

Detailed: Additional info to help you evaluate the part and the footprint including: dimension, silkscreen, soldermask, and solderpaste

PinDetail: Highlights the pin to pad contact area dimensions

Displays min/typ/max pad sizes for footprint per IPC specification (not all sizes will be available for every part)

Reference Designs
Analog Devices Inc
The TMC2160-EVAL-KIT is a set of one MCU board Landungsbrücke, an Eselsbrücke bridge board and one TMC2160-EVAL driver board. It allows for a quick and simple start within only minutes to make your motor turning, while still providing full access to all registers and full functionality and diagnostics.

Welcome to the worlds largest verified PCB CAD library.

Access our free library containing millions of symbols, footprints, and 3D models from manufacturers such as TI, Analog Devices, TE, Maxim, Power Integrations, and more.

Symbol Views

(not all views will be available for every part)

Normal: Standard and most popular representation of schematic symbol

ALT_1 (IEEE view): Symbol representation in a way that is more graphical in explaining what the purpose of each pin is. For connectors and most discretes (as we use these views) it is simply an alternate view for people to use depending on the situation. For instance connectors can be generally an input, an output or neither. Resistors can be vertical or horizontal.

ALT_2 (demorgan): Demorgan is a name for an equivalent Gate structure. so for instance an AND gate and an OR gate can be represented by its Demorgan equivalent of a NOR gate.

Sometimes a device is fractured into multiple symbols (often for high pin count parts). If that is the case, you can preview the different symbols that make up the device by selecting them in this drop down.

Footprint Views

(not all views will be available for every part)

Basic: Our standard footprint view showing, contact area, pin number, top, top assembly

Detailed: Additional info to help you evaluate the part and the footprint including: dimension, silkscreen, soldermask, and solderpaste

PinDetail: Highlights the pin to pad contact area dimensions

Displays min/typ/max pad sizes for footprint per IPC specification (not all sizes will be available for every part)

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